Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Buying a Franchise - Mistakes to Avoid

Many mistakes that people make are predictable. To help you to avoid making them, FranNet has compiled a list of ten of the dumbest mistakes you can make when going into business. Remember these are mistakes others have made, so take advantage of our experience and save yourself from some potential problems! 

• Don’t overextend financially when buying a franchise. 

• Don’t start to look until you have an idea of what you’re looking for. 

• Don’t assume that starting a business is easy! 

• Don’t try to go it alone. Use Experts.

• Don’t forget about a business plan.

• Don’t pick a business because “there are so many of them, they must be good.”

• Don’t skip talking with the other franchisees.

• Don’t put it on your credit card.

• Don’t pick the business your dad (or spouse) likes best.

• Don’t fall in love with the product.

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams (cecil@bizbrokerflorida.com) or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida www.bizbrokerflorida.com  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at www.fbxbrokers.com

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