Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sell The Sizzle Not The Steak - What Buyers Are Looking For

Sell The Sizzle Not The Steak - What Buyers Are Looking For:

What motivates a buyer to purchase a business? Individuals who attempt to buy a successful business have decided that it is a better option than starting up. Why have they decided to pursue this avenue? 

There is primary reason for a buyer seeking to purchase a business is because they anticipate that they can grow your business bigger than the current owner have been able to. In assessing a business potential buyers will look at two things: firstly, the business’s client base, and secondly, their industry niche. Both of these factors give a strong indication of the future potential for the business.

The focus for the seller needs to be that they are not selling how your business has performed while they were the owner of it - a buyer is not actually interested in your past performance. Therefore the seller shouldn’t dwell on past-profit figures. A buyer is looking for where the growth is. So the seller needs to create a vision for growth in the business. What should be highlighted is how the business can grow and prosper under the ownership of the buyer. This vision should be clearly articulated to prospective buyers. Owners of businesses that sell are able to make a buyer embrace where the buyer is going. So, first create a vision for the future of your business and then sell that vision to a buyer.  

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

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