Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Buying A Business - Start By Examining Yourself

Ask yourself these eight (8) questions before making an offer to buy a business.....

1. What do you want from being in business?
  • For lifestyle (to work fewer than 40 hours per week, with the freedom to go on holidays whenever you choose)?
  • To make a profit by building the business up (increasing sales)?
  • To generate more cash-flow than a 9-to-5 job?
Whatever reasons are important under this question, if your reasons are not listed on your list – don’t buy the business.  

2. Why am I buying this particular business?
  • It’s in a prime location.
  • It has a massive customer database which is not being used to its full potential.
  • You’ve created a specific plan to massively grow the sales revenue using knowledge you’ve accumulated from being an manager in a similar business, or from a previous business(es) owned.
  • The business has ‘something’ (Intellectual property, branding, contracts, etc) that you cannot easily duplicate or purchase.
  • You can buy the business at a price much lower than the market value. The seller is highly motivated to sell.
3. What will be my exit strategy to get out of the business?
  • Sell the business for a profit
  • Sell the business to a major shareholder(s) and become a silent partner
  • Pass the business down to a family member
  • Franchise
4. What skills do I have that will make me successful in this business?
Please don’t think that all that is required to ‘improve’ the business is cosmetic – by changing some of the products, re-designing the store interior, etc. These ‘improvements’ won’t double sales.
Only very good marketing, a good sales team and good systems will increase sales significantly. Think MARKETING, SALES and DELIVERY of the product or service (using systems).

5. What skills will I have to "hire in"?

6. What cash flow do I need?
What’s my break-even cash-flow (to cover expenses, wages, etc)?

7. How much working capital do I have access to?

8. Will this business suit me i.e. hours, type of operation?

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Who is a Strategic Buyer? - And Should You Be One

Who is a Strategic Buyer? - And Should You Be One:

A strategic business buyer is a person or corporation that is considering buying a company based on how that new acquisition will fit into their overall long-term business plans for their existing business or an entity they are looking to build.  A strategic business buyer will purchase a business or a series of businesses with the end goal of what they want their empire to look like.  For example: a strategic business buyer may first buy a small business that specializes in cleaning products for cars.  They may then look into buying their own car wash.  These two businesses can work together to create an even stronger business structure.

Strategic business buyers are, typically, more willing to pay more for a business than financial business buyers because they are looking at the potential synergistic benefits with what they already own.  However, these buyers will scrutinize financial statement and only offer terms that meet their established criteria. However the better the business will work within their plan, the more a strategic business buyer is willing to pay for it.

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Sell The Sizzle Not The Steak - What Buyers Are Looking For

Sell The Sizzle Not The Steak - What Buyers Are Looking For:

What motivates a buyer to purchase a business? Individuals who attempt to buy a successful business have decided that it is a better option than starting up. Why have they decided to pursue this avenue? 

There is primary reason for a buyer seeking to purchase a business is because they anticipate that they can grow your business bigger than the current owner have been able to. In assessing a business potential buyers will look at two things: firstly, the business’s client base, and secondly, their industry niche. Both of these factors give a strong indication of the future potential for the business.

The focus for the seller needs to be that they are not selling how your business has performed while they were the owner of it - a buyer is not actually interested in your past performance. Therefore the seller shouldn’t dwell on past-profit figures. A buyer is looking for where the growth is. So the seller needs to create a vision for growth in the business. What should be highlighted is how the business can grow and prosper under the ownership of the buyer. This vision should be clearly articulated to prospective buyers. Owners of businesses that sell are able to make a buyer embrace where the buyer is going. So, first create a vision for the future of your business and then sell that vision to a buyer.  

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Friday, October 26, 2012

Why Buying a Business in a Sluggish Economy Is a Good Idea

Why Buying a Business in a Sluggish Economy Is a Good Idea
by Phil Miller 

Learn why buying a business when the economy’s bad is a smart decision.

Our economy is the worst that it has been since the 1970s. Suggesting that someone buy a business when the economy’s doing poorly may go against conventional wisdom, but the state of the economy doesn’t matter very much when it comes to buying and running a business. What matters is what you do, not when you do it.

A business’s profit directly correlates to its management, and companies succeed and fail based on the qualities of their owners. That’s why it’s essential to buy a business that you’re capable of managing efficiently. Sure, the economy has some effect on a business’s performance, but a business owner’s experience, attitude, and actions are generally the best predictors of success. There are always customers, but you have to be willing to go out there and find them.

There are also some benefits to buying a business during a sluggish economy. Costs tend to decrease because suppliers may give you better deals, rent costs may be reduced, and people may be willing to work for less. Some types of businesses even thrive during economic downturns. Examples include accounting, debt collection, auto repair, healthcare, and bulk food services.

Don’t Play the “Wait and See” Game

Despite the fact that business isn’t necessarily bad when the economy’s bad, people seem to be more risk-averse when the economy isn’t doing well. As a result, fewer people are interested in starting and buying businesses. Many would-be entrepreneurs are waiting till the economy improves before they get their feet wet. However, a bad economy didn’t stop Microsoft and Apple from being founded in the mid-1970s – and look how far those companies have come.

No entrepreneur can succeed by playing the “wait and see” game for an extended period of time. Don’t sit around hoping things will get better because there’s no guarantee that the economy will improve any time in the near future. And if the economy gets worse, you’ll wish you bought a business sooner. Any time is the right time to buy a business as long as you, the buyer, have correctly assessed the opportunity.

Whether the economy’s good or bad, the buying process is essentially the same. Purchasing a business is a major decision and investment, so it’s important to ensure that you make the right choice. Determine what type of business will thrive based on your strengths rather than suffer because of your weaknesses. Moreover, choose a business based on its profitability while considering what you’ll be able to do with it. After all, there are good business owners and there are bad business owners. Even a business that is doing poorly can be turned around in the right owner’s hands.

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why buy a business at a time like this?

Why buy a business at a time like this? :

The following fact is in this article -  "A recent US publication stated that a study of 700 companies revealed that more than 20% of companies that were in the bottom quartile of their industries jumped to the top quartile during recession." Although this article is written by a Kiwi about buying a business there, it is still relevant for the U.S.

Read: Why buy a business at a time like this?

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Sell Your Business - Confidentially Is A Must!

Selling Your Business - Confidentially Is A Must! :

When selling your business or company, the entire process must be performed confidentially to maximize your value. Vendors, customers, employees, your competition, and others should be unaware of your intentions.

If your customers learn that the business is for sale, they might go elsewhere on their own. If your vendors find out, they may change your credit terms, or level of service to you. If employees learn of a sale they may leave to work in a more stable environment or begin to spread rumors about the "demise" of your company. If your competitors learn that the business is for sale they may raid your customer base, start rumors that you are going out of business, slash prices temporarily to attract your customers or start an aggressive advertising or marketing plan aimed at your customer base. Every seller wishes to complete the transaction privately and confidentially and announce the sale at the appropriate time.

So, you as business owner are probably very concerned that the word will get out that your company is for sale. It is pretty tricky to sell an asset that you can't really let anyone know is for sale.
Well it is comforting to know that experienced professional business brokers/intermediaries sell many businesses in this type of confidential environment. They are trained and educated to accomplish this feat routinely. Business brokers/intermediaries actually thrive in this type of confidential environment.

Their services also include developing an appropriate value for your company and preparing a comprehensive profile of your business to put it in position to be confidentially reviewed by serious qualified buyers. Through their marketing efforts they carefully secure buyers and handle the entire process, working with your professional team to successfully complete the transaction.

The sale of your company will probably be the biggest financial transaction of your life. Seek out a professional business broker/intermediary to successfully achieve your goals. ... CONFIDENTIALLY!

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What to Look for in a Broker When Buying a Business

When you want to buy a business, it is highly recommended that you use a professional broker. The broker will inform you about the various businesses that are available for sale. They will also help you to gather information about the prospective business for buying. Getting an online broker will entitle you to a long list of available companies. The online platform is also fast and highly efficient. You will be assured of a convenient buying process. It is possible to browse for different categories as well as purchase prices for the prospective businesses. Here, is what you should look for in a broker while buying a business.

The broker should be experienced in selling businesses. The brokering agency should have been in the business for a considerable duration. This ensures that it has adequate skills and expertise to negotiate for the best deals. An experienced broker will also have links with various companies in the country. The broker will also inform you about the most opportune time to buy a business. The agent will direct you on the purchase prices. You will also be informed on the various requirements that are needed in order to make the purchase.

It is also essential that you buy a business through a broker who is professional. The brokerage firm should always conduct its affairs in a professional manner. It should handle all the clients with uttermost care and concern. The agency should also be focused on providing the best services to the clients. This will ensure that the purchase process is fast and convenient. The broker should also assist you with as much information as needed about the purchase process. The agent should also be courteous and highly respectful to the clients buying a business.

You should always ensure that you get an authentic broker while you want to buy a business. The broker should be licensed and registered by the government agencies to conduct these services. The agent should also be well reputed in the industry. This can only be achieved if the broker is willing to offer high quality and professional services. The previous clients should always have good sentiments about the services offered. The broker should also have adequate skills and expertise to assist you while buying a business. The agency should be willing to conduct research about the business on your behalf.

Quality of services
When you want to buy a business, you should also get a broker who is willing to offer high quality customer services. The broker should always be available whenever you require them. They should also respond promptly to your email messages. The broker should be willing to assist you in the entire process of buying a business. The broker should also assure you of the authenticity of the business. The brokering firm should conduct thorough research on the business before placing it on its site.

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Buying a Business in a Sluggish Economy Is a Good Idea | Business Broker Blog

Why Buying a Business in a Sluggish Economy Is a Good Idea | Business Broker Blog:

'via Blog this'

Are we dealing with a buyer's market?

Are we dealing with a buyer's market?  
Buying a business has changed enormously over the course of the past decade, with the recession shaking things up more than we could have predicted.

We've seen a dramatic increase in administrations as unstable companies failed to cope with the drop in cashflow that followed the economic crash, while buyers themselves showed increased levels of caution when acquiring new businesses.

Things are far from steady again now, but we are seeing signs of a return to a new kind of normality; one in which buyers have the upper hand.

An abundance of easily available credit resulted in the widespread adoption of the auction as the preferred method of selling a business. It allowed sellers to maximize tension between competing buyers, keeping the pressure on and pushing the price up.

However, as the number of buyers capable of still affording to make an acquisition reduced in the wake of the crash, the remaining bidders demands increased.

Buyers were no longer happy to hope for the best and instead have started to demand more tailored information at earlier stages of the buying process in order to guarantee their success. 

In essence, these factors combined to bring two key changes to the market. Firstly, the number of bidders for each business has been drastically reduced, lowering pressure and competition. And secondly, caution among buyers has increased significantly, prompting investors to be more demanding when making new acquisitions.

Obviously, sellers need to keep these issues in mind when they put their business on the market. But we hope our subscribers who are out to buy a business are also keeping an eye on the broader business atmosphere; a company's worth (and the price worth bidding for it) will of course change in different economic periods and it is clearly the case that now is looking like a good time to buy a business for less. 

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Life After Selling A Business - Forbes

Life After Selling A Business :

The one question that a business owner needs to answer when I interview them concerning selling their business is, what will you do after selling your business? If a business owner doesn't have a good answer to this question, they usually aren't really to go through the complex process of selling their business

This article highlight what one business experienced regarding this key question.

Read: Life After Selling A Business
For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Avoid These Mistakes When Buying A Business

Buying a Business? Avoid These 5 Major Mistakes

Here is a quick summary of items to check so that you have a better chance of buying a business and ensuring a successful outcome years down the road.

Avoid these 5 major mistakes when buying a business:

1) Due Diligence, Due Diligence, Due Diligence
Doing a solid job of due diligence will help you avoid buying the wrong business or paying too much for the business. Executing a structured plan is critical to ensure by the financial and business operations aspects of a business are understood

2) Not Having Enough Cash Reserves
Do not buy a business until you have the necessary funds to both buy the business and the necessary funds to keep it open after the purchase. 

3) Assuming Cash Flow will Cover Debt
There will always be a transition period when buying a new business. The transition can impact cash flow. Most buyer under estimate this impact.

4) Paying for Potential 
In many businesses the value of the business is based on the condition at the time that you purchase it.  There may be circumstances where potential is worth $, such as in a franchise or other proven situation, areas such as patents, devices and other situations where there is value in potential.  Potential is something that typically requires your expertise & research to continue & make prosper, then it becomes your choice to gauge the potential and possibly negotiate the price through an earn-out agreement to avoid full risk. 

5) Wrong Entity Structure
Consult an attorney and possibly an accountant or financial advisor to help determine what the best entity structure for you is.

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Business Valuation Assessment

What Information is Needed to do a Business Valuation Assessment?

This video provides outlines the basic information needed to approximate the range of the most probable selling price a business might achieve in the marketplace.

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Aiding Sellers In Receiving The Maximum Price For Their Business

Aiding Sellers In Receiving The Maximum Price For Their Business

According to the International Business Broker Association IBBA), businesses valued at less than $2 million dollars tend to take seven months or less to close. Those valued between $2 and $5 million take eleven months or less to successfully close while those valued at $5 million or more take anywhere from six to nine months to sell. Of those businesses valued at $5 million or more, 8% took two years or longer to successfully close. Brokers do expect to see an upward trend in this market over the next three months.

Adequate seller representation is needed during this process to generate a satisfactory outcome. According to the IBBA, unrealistic expectations are the number one reason why sales are not completed. My goal is to ensure each client understands the sale process. In order to achieve this goal, the first step is to have the value of the company calculated. Sellers often make use of the net income on the federal tax return to determine cash flow. In all actuality, non-cash expenses must be added back into earnings along with discretionary expenses. Market conditions and valuations must be added in along with buyers' and lenders' approaches. I can be of great assistance during this process as I provide reasoning and rationale to back up the valuation."

When the valuation is complete, I develop a customized and confidential marketing plan to target those buyers most likely to pay full value for the business. My company, Florida Business Exchange, maintains databases of potential buyers which meet necessary requirements such as ability to run the company successfully and have the funds necessary to purchase the business. My goal is to find a number of potential buyers to ensure each company sells for the highest price possible.  

Once a buyer has been located, I manage the period between receiving the offer and closing the transaction.  I facilitates the due diligence process while coordinating with outside legal counsel to ensure all necessary legal documents are drafted. As the broker I also coordinate the final closing date and obtain approval from all parties. I will attend the escrow closing to ensure all documents are in order.   

For a complimentary consultation:
Contact  Cecil Williams ( or call  at 888-925-5055 ext.206.  Visit my personal website to search for business for sale in Florida  Also, visit our Florida Business Exchange website at